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【分享】Fergie - Glamorous (Feat. Ludacris)



Fergie feat. Ludacris

Are U ready

If you aint got no money take yo'broke ass home
You say: If you aint got no money take yo'broke ass home
G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S

We flying the first class
Up in the sky
Poppin' champagne
Livin' the life
In the fast lane
And I wont change
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

The glamorous,
The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy
The glamorous,
The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

Wear them gold and diamonds rings
All them things dont mean a thing
Chaperons and limousines
Shopping for expensive things
I be on the moovie screens
Magazines and boogie scenes
Im not clean, Im not pristine
Im n queen, Im no machine
I still go to Taco Bell
Drivethrough, raw as Hell
I dont care, Im still real
No matter how many records I seel
After the show or after the grammys
I like to go cool out with the family
Sippin', reminscing on days when I had a Mustang
And now I'm in...

We flying the first class
Up in the sky
Poppin' champagne
Livin' the life
In the fast lane
And I wont change
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

The glamorous,
The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy
The glamorous,
The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

Im talking Champagne wishes, caviar dreams
You deserve nothing but all the finer things
Now this whole world has no clue to do with us
I've got enough money in the bank for the two of us
Brother gotta keep enough lettuce
To support your shoe fetish
Lifestyles so rich and famous
Robin Leach will get jelous
Half a million for the stones
Takin trips from here to Rome
So If you aint got no money take yo'broke ass home
G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S

We flying the first class
Up in the sky
Poppin' champagne
Livin' the life
In the fast lane
And I wont change
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

The glamorous,
The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

The glamorous,
The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)
For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy

I got problems up to here
I've got people in my ear
Telling me these crazy things
That I dont want to know (fuck y'all)
I've got money in the bank
And I'd really like to thank
All the fans, I'd like to thank
Thank you really though
Cuz i remember yesterday
When I dreamt about the days
When I'd rock on MTV, that be really dope
Damn, It's been a long road
And the industry is cold
I'm glad my daddy tell me so, he let his daugther know.
I'm glad my daddy tell me so, he let his daugther know.
I'm glad my daddy tell me so, he let his daugther know.

专 辑:The Dutchess
歌 手:菲姬(Fergie)
语 种:英文
时 间:2006年09月19日
公 司:A&M-International
从黑眼豆豆合唱团(Black Eyed Peas)的当家女主唱,再蜕变成时尚界的性感宝贝与电影明星,菲姬(Fergie)的风采与魅力不断的加温,2006年9月,随着首张个人大碟【The Dutchess】的出炉,她将把这股热力带到全新的沸点,彻底展现fun到底的流行嘻哈魅力。打头阵的首支单曲《London Bridge》以超顽皮的嘻哈性格抢攻全美排行市场,一举蝉联全美流行单曲榜热门单曲榜3周冠军,同时也在热门数位单曲榜、热门下载单曲榜中夺下冠军后座。

拥有爱尔兰与苏格兰血统的菲姬以童星身分起家,91年,菲姬与好友Renee Sands[*动画“史瑞克”中担任菲欧娜公主的歌曲配唱]组成动感流行乐团Wild Orchids,2001年,正当乐团人气逐渐攀升,RCA音乐厂牌宣布与乐团解约,面对这突来的重挫,菲姬的心情也跌落谷底。2003年,当时正在寻求突破的嘻哈队伍-黑眼豆豆合唱团在巡回演唱期间意外的与菲姬搭上线,由于双方默契极佳,菲姬随即加入了专辑【Elephunk】的录制,正式成为乐团的一份子,随着专辑首支单曲《Where Is The Love》称霸英国金榜冠军,黑眼豆豆与菲姬的音乐生涯都创造了出道以来的巅峰,黑眼豆豆在有了菲姬的性感加持下,乐团原有的动感与创意更增添了性感的诱惑力,2005年发行的专辑【Monkey Business】声势更是看涨,专辑中的单曲《Don't Phunk With My Heart》、《My Humps》双双高居英、美排行榜季军位置,乐团在2004-06年间奖声连连,总计抱回了2座葛莱美奖、2座MTV音乐录影带大奖、2座MTV欧洲音乐奖、全美音乐奖、灵魂列车奖、全美青少年直选奖等无数音乐奖。

菲姬的性感魅力从流行乐坛一路蔓延到时尚舞台,她陆续成为“FHM男人帮”、“Maxim”等时尚休闲杂志的封面人物与专题焦点,2006年夏季菲姬更进军好莱坞在电影“海神号”中客串,展现她的歌唱实力。9月,菲姬的首张个人大碟【The Dutchess】正式登场,专辑由黑眼豆豆的首脑will.i.am.担纲执行制作总监,所有的黑眼豆豆团员全都友情跨刀献艺,专辑标题是在调侃具有约克公爵夫人身分,跨越电视谈话秀、广告圈、出版界的话题女人莎拉[*菲姬与莎拉的昵称同为Fergie],菲姬同时也想藉此张专辑表达当代女性的玩乐主义,首支单曲《London Bridge》请来天王制作人Polow The Don与词曲创作家Sean Garrett携手打造,一登场就连霸全美4大排行榜冠军后座,为专辑抢得绝佳的头彩,第2首放电单曲《Fergalicious》即将顺势登场。专辑中同时力邀多位嘻哈名嘴助阵,南方嘻哈高手Ludacris与菲姬合作散发嘻哈时尚风的劲歌《Glamorous》,will.i.am与菲姬来点怀旧放克与老派灵魂乐的迷情小品《Here I Come》,雷鬼之父Bob Marley的遗孀Rita则是与菲姬来首融合雷鬼/嘻哈/摇滚曲风的作品《Mary Jane's Shoes》,专辑中也不乏展现菲姬精致唱功的慢板情歌《Losing My Ground》、《Finally》。  
1. Fergalicious
2. Clumsy
3. All That I Got (The Make Up Song)
4. London Bridge
5. Pedestal
6. Voodoo Doll
7. Glamorous (Feat. Ludacris)
8. Here I Come (Feat. Will.i.am)
9. Velvet
10. Big Girls Don’t Cry (Personal)
11. Mary Jane’s Shoes (Feat. Rita Marley)
12. Losing My Ground
13. Finally
14. Get Your Hands Up
她的London Bridge也是很棒
╭★` 「 癫⒊倒⒋啲泩萿﹖ ︶`放蕩中變壞.!
自己的舞台,自己导舞....... 幸福这么远那么甜......... 只要相信自己! 有爱就有明天...... 当你面朝阳光时,阴影在你的身后;当你背对阳光时,阴影必然在你的身前. 等待一个值得等待的人,爱上值得爱的人,争取该珍惜的人,放弃该放弃的人,相信缘份......