
请你马上从中送出一段你最喜欢的话,写在贺卡上,在5月的第二个星期日——母亲节的那一天悄悄地放在妈妈的枕边你会收到意想不到的效果,不信试试看!     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

岁月的白发虽然爬上了您的两鬓,在我看来您却永远年轻,因为,在智慧的大还里,您始终与时代的先行者并驾齐驱。     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

We may not be angels all of the time,
                  but we do appreciate what you do .
我们也许不是一直都像天使那样乖巧,但我们确实感激您的教诲。     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

小时候,母亲牵着我的小手在夕阳下散步,夕阳下的风是那么无私,那么的柔美清清的,深深的。今日的远在天涯的我仍记得那夕阳,那风,请它们带去我深深的祝福。     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

I don't take the time to  tell you this often ,but I love you ,mom.     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

Thinks for opening all those doors for me-
but  nenver shoving me through them.     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

this card is from all of us.
it may not be the greatest. but it is from  the hart.
但却是出自内心的。     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

From the very moment i was born, you insisted that
I was myself and not an extension of you and
Dad-that I had not come into existence simply for
you to organize or even to love.
Dear mother -thank ou for giving me the freedom
to love you .     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

您用母爱抚育了我的灵魂和躯体,您的乳汁是我思维的源泉,您的眼里长系着我生命的希冀。我的母亲,我不知如何报答您。     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

When i was very small and afraid,you used to put
on the light and show me all the familiar objects
in my room-then flick it off and sit with me in the
darkness until i was quite certain the
shapes were constant.     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

那是我对故乡的记忆,对母亲的思念。     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

在这个母亲节里,我只是想说:我以身为您的女儿为荣。     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

[Fly][Move][U]MOTHER‘S DAY[/SIZE][/U][/Move]

I LOVE YOU,MOM[/Fly]     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

The history of Mother's Day

The earliest Mother's Day celebrations are traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gds.
During the 1600's England a  day called 'Mothering Sunday',celebrated on the 4th sunday of lent "Mothering Sunday" honored the mothers of England.During this time may of the  England's  poor worked as servants for the wealthy.As most jobs were located far from their homes,the servants would live in the houses of their employers on Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers A special cake, called the mothering cake ,was often brought along to provide a festive touch .
  As Christianity spread throughout Europe the celebration changrd to
honoer the 'Mother Church'--the spiritnal power that gave people life and proteced them from harm .Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration .People began honoring their mothers as well as the church.
    In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia WardHave as a day dedlicated to peace.
    In 1907 Anna Jarvis,from Philadelphia,began a campaign to establish a notional Mother's Day .Ms Jarvis persuaded her mothers cherch in Grafton, West Vioginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second anniversary of her mother's death ,the 2nd Sunday of May . By the next year Mother's Day was also celebrated in philadelphia.
    Ms Jarvis and her supporters began to write to miuisters, businessmen,and politicians in their quest to establish a nationnal Mother's Day .Itwas successful .By1911 Mother's Day was celebrated in almost every state .Presiclent Woodrow Wilson,in 1914,made the official announcement proclaiming Monther's Day a national holiday that was to be held each year in the 2nd Sunday of May.
    while many countries of the world  celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times throughout the year ,there are some countries such as Denmark,England,Italy,Turkey,Australia,and Belgiwn which also celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday May.

                               Richer Than Gold
                                                               By Strickland Gillilan
I had a mother who read me things

That wholesome life to the boy heart brings

Stories that stir with an upward toch

oh,that each mother of boys were such

you many have tangible wealth untdd

Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold

Richer than I you can never be--

I had a mother who read to me.

P.S I'm so tired,like this             so,maybe there was a little mistake,please help me to find  it out ,thanks~~~
The end ~~

Happy mother's Day,donn't forget to give a nice gift to your mother,it'll be wonderfull!!

Remind:此消息由kitty在05-01 21:23:46做过手脚,呵呵……     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

喜庆一丁点~~     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

让人进一步感受母爱的伟大!     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

什么是她???     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!


抄下去就好了。谢谢KITTY     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

母亲的慈祥,母亲的关怀是世界上最美、最甜的东西     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

那天你们准备怎么给你们的母亲过了?     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

谢谢你的主意     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

要这样吗?     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

要的     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

你发什么神经啊,昨天买药给你吃了你还没好吗?     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

可能是吧。     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

你,也灌!     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

同灌??!!     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

请不要再此灌水!!!再次慎重警告!!!!!     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!

http://music.jl.cninfo.net/newzj/beyond/02/11.rm     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!


Remind:此消息由kitty在05-12 21:35:19做过手脚,呵呵……     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!


真的爱你-----我的妈妈!![/COLOR][/SIZE]     Re:【注意】母亲节的祝愿!


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