for Microsoft :
Windows 95, Windows for workgroups 3.x, Windows NT,2000 and XP
for Linux :
Smblient from Samba, Smbfs for Linux
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.x
Microsoft Windows 95
Microsoft Windows NT
The PATHWORKS family of servers from Digital
LAN Manager for OS/2,SCO,etc
VisionFS from SCO
TotalNET Advanced Server from Syntax
Advanced Serverfor UNIX from AT&T (NCR?)
LAN Server for OS/2 from IBM.
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words = 17
USHORT DialectIndex; Index of selected dialect
UCHAR SecurityMode; Security mode:
bit 0: 0 = share, 1 = user
bit 1: 1 = encrypt passwords
USHORT MaxMpxCount; Max pending multiplexed requests
USHORT MaxNumberVcs; Max VCs between client and server
ULONG MaxBufferSize; Max transmit buffer size
ULONG MaxRawSize; Maximum raw buffer size
ULONG SessionKey; Unique token identifying this session
ULONG Capabilities; Server capabilities
ULONG SystemTimeLow; System (UTC) time of the server (low).
ULONG SystemTimeHigh; System (UTC) time of the server (high).
USHORT ServerTimeZone; Time zone of server (min from UTC)
UCHAR EncryptionKeyLength; Length of encryption key.
USHORT ByteCount; Count of data bytes
UCHAR EncryptionKey[]; The challenge encryption key
UCHAR OemDomainName[]; The name of the domain (in OEM chars)
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words; value =
(14 + value of the “SetupCount“ field)
USHORT TotalParameterCount; Total parameter bytes being sent
USHORT TotalDataCount; Total data bytes being sent
USHORT MaxParameterCount; Max parameter bytes to return
USHORT MaxDataCount; Max data bytes to return
UCHAR MaxSetupCount; Max setup words to return
UCHAR Reserved;
USHORT Flags; Additional information:
bit 0 - also disconnect TID in TID
bit 1 - one-way transaction (no response)
ULONG Timeout;
USHORT Reserved2;
USHORT ParameterCount; Parameter bytes sent this buffer
USHORT ParameterOffset; Offset (from header start) to Parameters
USHORT DataCount; Data bytes sent this buffer
USHORT DataOffset; Offset (from header start) to data
UCHAR SetupCount; Count of setup words
UCHAR Reserved3; Reserved (pad above to word)
USHORT Setup[SetupCount]; Setup words (# = SetupWordCount)
USHORT ByteCount; Count of data bytes
STRING Name[]; Name of transaction
UCHAR Pad[]; Pad to SHORT or LONG
UCHAR Parameters UCHAR Pad1[]; Pad to SHORT or LONG
UCHAR Data[ DataCount ]; Data bytes (# = DataCount)
UCHAR WordCount; Count of data bytes; value = 10 +
“Setupcount“ field.
USHORT TotalParameterCount; Total parameter bytes being sent
USHORT TotalDataCount; Total data bytes being sent
USHORT Reserved;
USHORT ParameterCount; Parameter bytes sent this buffer
USHORT ParameterOffset; Offset (from header start) to Parameters
USHORT ParameterDisplacement; Displacement of these Parameter bytes
USHORT DataCount; Data bytes sent this buffer
USHORT DataOffset; Offset (from header start) to data
USHORT DataDisplacement; Displacement of these data bytes
UCHAR SetupCount; Count of setup words
UCHAR Reserved2; Reserved (pad above to word)
USHORT Setup[SetupWordCount]; Setup words (# = SetupWordCount)
USHORT ByteCount; Count of data bytes
UCHAR Pad[]; Pad to SHORT or LONG
UCHAR Parameters UCHAR Pad1[]; Pad to SHORT or LONG
UCHAR Data[DataCount]; Data bytes (# = DataCount)
UCHAR WordCount; Count of parameter words = 4
UCHAR AndXCommand; Secondary (X) command; 0xFF = none
UCHAR AndXReserved; Reserved (must be 0)
USHORT AndXOffset; Offset to next command WordCount
USHORT Flags; Additional information
USHORT PasswordLength; Length of Password[]
USHORT ByteCount; Count of data bytes; min = 3
UCHAR Password[]; Password
STRING Path[]; Server name and share name
STRING Service[]; Service name
│ 0x0000 │ ----------------------------------------> A
│ W r │ L e │ h 0x00│-----------> B
│ B 1 │ 3 B │ W Z │ 0x00 │---> C
│ 0x0001 │ 0xffff │--------------------------> D
│ status code │-------------> 2 bytes
│ converted word │-------------> 2 bytes
│ number of entries returned │-------------> 2 bytes
│ number of entries available │-------------> 2 bytes
│ shi1_netname │-----------> 13 bytes
│ shi1_pad to pad to word │-----------> 1 byte
│ type of service │-----------> 2 bytes
│ pointer to remark string │-----------> 4 bytes
│ remark string 1 │
│ another remarks strings │
--[ 9 - 结论
--[ 10 - 参考
[1] "A common Internet File System (CIFS/1.0) Protocol
Preliminary Draft", Paul J.Leach and Dilip C. Naik
[2] "CIFS Remote Administration Protocol Preliminary Draft"
Paul J.Leach and Dilip C. Naik