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类型 3 单纯的邻家妹妹:热情开朗的你对任何人都不会吝惜自己可爱的笑 ????
容,所以大家都很喜欢你!你对自己人不做过多要求,懂得珍惜每一个眼下时刻,享受生 ????
活所给予的一切快乐。无邪的你常给人静如处子、动如脱兔的感觉,虽然你也偶尔忧伤,但连忧伤也是单纯的。 ????????????????提醒:爱情比友情脆弱,要懂得“用心”才行!?
Dear God:I know that he\'s out there.The one I\'m suppose to share my whole life with.And in time , you will show him to me.Will you take care of him ,comfort him and protece him ,until that day we meet .And let he know , my heart is beating with him.